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Doctors Online

Medical training courses offered by the MK Medial Center 

To create an advanced generation of medical staff with high efficiency and professional capabilities 

Medical equivalency courses for doctors

Our center provides a rare opportunity for doctors wishing to obtain the USMLE and the Canadian MCC equivalency certificate, in cooperation with the Canadian Center for Medical Training and Development in Baghdad / MK Medical Training Center

Ultrasound and diagnostic training courses

Initial and advanced training courses on how to use ultrasound, echo and diagnostic methods And in cooperation with the Canadian Center for Training and Medical Development in Baghdad / MK Medical Training Center
يوفر مركزنا فرصه نادره لطلاب كليات المجموعه الطبيه وتقنيي الاشعه من خلال توفير دورات اوليه ومتقدمه تدريبيه لهم

Diagnostic Radiology Training Courses

Our center provides a rare opportunity for students of the medical group faculties and radiology technicians by providing them with initial and advanced training courses.

Laboratory training courses

Includes basic and advanced courses of pathological analytics, including: /Basic Laboratory course /Advance Laboratory course /PCR Laboratory course /Immunology Laboratory course /Microscopic Laboratory course /ELSA Laboratory course

Pharmacology courses for pharmacy

Our center provides a rare opportunity for pharmacy and medical students by providing basic and advanced courses

Training courses for non-surgical beauty and skin care

Initial and advanced training courses on how to use ultrasound, echo and diagnostic methods And in cooperation with the Canadian Center for Training and Medical Development in Baghdad / MK Medical Training Center

medical protocol courses

Our center provides a rare opportunity for medical students and doctors by providing advanced courses for the therapeutic and diagnostic methods used in Canada and the United States, in cooperation with the Canadian Center for Training and Development
تشمل دورات اوليه ومتقدمه وتدريب عملي تطبيقي لطلبه كليات الاسنان

Dental training courses

It includes basic and advanced courses and practical training for dental students
يوفر مركزنا فرصه نادره لطلاب كليات التمريض من خلال توفير دورات اوليه ومتقدمه لهم

Training courses for nurses

Our center provides a rare opportunity for nursing students by providing them with basic and advanced courses
هذه الدورات مخصصه للكوادر الطبي المختاره لتاهيلها للعمل في مراكزنا الطبيه حصرا

Educational and practical courses for our medical staff

These courses are for selected medical cadres to qualify them to work in our medical centers exclusively

More Services For Doctors/Nurses/Medical staff

مع تطور امكانياتنا التقنيه الطبيه ، ستجد هنا مقاطع فيديو تناقش مجموعه متنوعه من المواضيع الطبيه المهمه والدراسات السريريه الحديثه والتي ستبقي اطبائنا على اطلاع دائم باخر ما توصلت اليه الابحاث الطبيه.

Videos about different medical topics.

With the development of our medical technical capabilities, you will find here videos discussing a variety of important medical topics and modern clinical studies that will keep our doctors informed of the latest findings in medical research.
ستجد في موقع Doctors Online مساحة يمكنك من خلالها مناقشة الآراء المختلفة وابداء الراي حول مواضيع طبية مختلفة.

Medical discussions

In Doctors online you will find the space where you can discuss different opinions and debate on different medical topics.
نهدف إلى مشاركة جميع المعلومات الجديدة في المجال الطبي من خلال اللقاءات والموتمرات والامسيات التي يقيمها مركزنا وبالتعاون مع الجامعات والمؤسسات البحثيه العالميه وتحت شعار( شارك المعرفة، إنقذ الأرواح).

sharing up-to-date knowledge

We aim to share all the new information in the medical field through meetings, conferences and evenings held by our center and in cooperation with universities and international research institutions under the slogan (Share knowledge, save lives).
من خلال التوجيه الصحيح وفهم متطلبات المهنه الطبيه، يصبح من السهل على الأطباء الاقتراب من تحقيق حلمهم. دوراتنا تضعك على الطريق الصحيح.

Providing training courses for doctors and medical staff

With the right guidance and understanding of the requirements of the medical profession, it becomes easy for doctors to get closer to realizing their dream. That's why we offer training courses to put you on the right path.