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Doctors with you App

Doctors Online

 Doctors at home:

طبيب في منزلك

Doctors at home

After our center receives a call from the patient, we send our medical staff (a doctor with a physician assistant) to the patient's home to provide the necessary medical care, from diagnosing the patient's condition, giving the appropriate treatment, and doing some laboratory tests if necessary. 

فحوصات المختبريه في منزلك

Lab tests in your home

There is no need after today to go to the lab and wait… Call us and we will send someone to do these analyzes from your home… Our labs are equipped with the latest high-efficiency and high-precision laboratory equipment.

اجراء التصوير الطبي في منزلك

X-ray & scan at your home

 Our medical team can perform X-rays, local diagnostic ultrasound, ECG, and echocardiography at your home... This is a unique service and is offered for the first time in Iraq.

استشارات نفسيه في منزلك

Psychological counseling at your home

After our center receives a call from the patient or his family regarding the need for a highly confidential psychological consultation, we send our specialist doctor to the patient's home to provide advice and support. Our psychological consultations are carried out with high professionalism and from a specialized staff and in complete confidentiality of patient information and diagnosis, with the possibility of conducting follow-up sessions on a regular basis.

خدمه توصيل الدواء لمنزلك

Medicine delivery to your home

Some of the prescriptions prescribed by our doctors can be dispensed from one of our pharmacy and delivered to your home.

فحص البصر في منزلك

Eye examination at home

 Our team of optometrists can come to your home and conduct an eye examination for the patient with the ability to prescribe lenses and make glasses … This service is unique and is provided for the first time in Iraq.

How you can request a doctor service in your home:

doctors on home

Doctors at home